Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Job, New Beginning!

Well in many stories i heard about successful chef, they all started with the lowest rank in the kitchen. Doing odd jobs for start then work their way up to various station as they progress.

It all happens when there is first step, the foundation, the beginning.

Today marks the day i'm following the foot step of my idol, Chef Danel Boulud, in what happen to be his restaurant for the start of my career.

140 seaters offering classical French food like Coq au Vin while serving some Chef Daniel's signature French American creations like his Burger with foie gras...

The Chef De Cuisine of DB Bistro Moderne Singapore, Chef Stephane Istel, welcomed me with a big smile. Telling me to report 8am in the morning doing prep work. If life throws me a lemon, i'm going to make a lemonade with extra sugar. If he throw me all the vegetables, i'm going to peel and slice them all!

Looking forward to working in DB Bistro Moderne, the most beautiful kitchen i've been into!

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